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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Covering a cake

Covering a cake 

Spoon a large dollop of softened (but not runny or melty) buttercream onto the centre of the cake. Use a spatula/ palette knife to paddle the icing to the edges of the cake.

For the sides, use the spatula/ palette knife to smear smaller amounts of icing in sections, turn the cake and repeat.
For a smooth finish you can use a long palette knife or ruler. Hold the ruler flat at the edge of the cake furthest from you and drag it towards you. Repeat if necessary. 

palette knife
For the edge take your palette knife/ or a plastic side scraper (available from cake decorating websites) in one hand at 90 degrees to the cake. Use the other hand to spin the cake. This is easiest on a turntable as you can do it in one movement. If not, you may need to do this in sections and smooth any joins with the palette knife. 
To get a feathered 'frosty' effect, simply press the flat side of a palette knife or spatula onto the cake and lift. Repeat over the entire cake.

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