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Wednesday, November 6, 2013


How To Play Ludo
Ludo is a fairly easy board game that can be enjoyed by the young and the old alike. It can be played by 2 or 4 players at a time. The rules of this board game are quite simple. The player who manages to take his tokens “home” first, after moving them across the entire length of the board, wins the game.

The Ludo board consists of a big square that is further divided into four colorful squares. The colors are red, blue, yellow and green. The game is played with sixteen colored pieces or tokens, four to each group, and a dice.


Each player starts with four tokens each in his starting corner. The players take turns to roll the dice. The game starts when a player lands a 6. This gives the player a bonus turn.

With each 6, the tokens can be brought out of their starting points and with each additional throw they start their journey across the board in a clockwise direction. The token is moved forward according to the number that appears on his dice. For example if you throw a 2, your token moves forward two places.

The objective of the game is to make sure that your tokens reach their home before your opponents.

If you land on a place that is occupied by your opponent’s token, you remove that piece and it lands back at the starting point. Now it can move only after your opponent lands another 6 and starts the journey again.

When you complete the revolution across the board, take the path towards the curled arrow pointing towards “home.”

The token that reaches the home is taken off the board reducing the number of tokens each time. The sooner you get the tokens off the board, the sooner you’ll win.


If two of your tokens land on the same box, you can form a double. Some special rules apply to double tokens.

Opponents’ single counters cannot jump over your double so their way to home is effectively blocked till you decide to move it. Or they can move a double of their own and knock your double and send them packing to the starting point.


If a player throws 3 consecutive sixes, he will be penalized and the sixes will be discarded.

Try to send as many pieces of your opponent back to the starting point and make them start the journey all over again. You can do this by placing your pieces strategically across the board at stop points and getting the exact throw of dice.

You need the exact number to get your piece home.

You get a bonus throw for moving each token home. Enjoy!

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